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Shop our Goop-approved Lemon Laine Glow Moisture Face Oil

Magic Mushrooms

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Get the daily support of fungi friends in an easy-to-take tincture

  • Mushrooms are renowned for their amazing ability to normalize and optimize body system functionality.
  • Six medicinal mushrooms help balance energy, support digestion, and calm stress. Dual-extracted and sweetened with cinnamon and vanilla, this formula is good enough to eat. Reishi and lion's mane for immune support and brain function
  • Reishi is a powerful adaptogen that strengthens immunity, eases the nervous system, and helps the body truly rest. A beloved herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine, this mushroom has been doing its thing for thousands of years.
Lemon Laine's take
How to apply

Take 3 ml with included measuring dropper 3 times daily. Add a dropperful to still or sparkling water, juice, tea, smoothies, cocktails and mocktails to instantly make any beverage plant-powered. Cautions: Consult your healthcare provider prior to use if you are pregnant.

Ingredient list

Organic Lion’s mane (Hericium erinaceus) fruiting body extract, Organic Shiitake fruiting body extract, Organic Maitake fruiting body extract, Organic Reishi fruiting body extract, Organic Cordyceps mycelium and fruiting body extract, Organic Chaga fruiting body extract, Organic Cinnamon bark extract, Organic Vanilla bean extract, Organic Cane alcohol, Organic Vegetable glycerin, Water.

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